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Look Both Ways

blog life without algorithms

So yesterday I was nearly hit by a car. I was walking by the lake and I needed to cross the street, there are 4 lanes, 2 in each direction. I waited at the crosswalk. A Bronco type car in the lane closest to me was coming up and it stopped for me. There was nobody else coming so I waved and started across the first lane.

I step into the second lane, I glanced to my left and I see this white BMW coming, I heard the engine rev as he sped up. Easily like 40mph, maybe 50. It's weird that I remember these details. I froze for like half a second. No life flashing before my eyes. I just remember thinking...fuck, this is gonna hurt. Then I looked back and the Bronco was still stopped and waiting, maybe s/he saw the BMW approaching in her side view mirror. I took two steps backwards. The guy in the BMW saw me and pretty much skidded to a halt about two feet in front of where I just was standing.

We looked at each other for a moment, he looked at me kinda sheepishly, embarrassed maybe. I just kinda shook my head and laughed like....well THAT nearly happened. Like what else could I do? I could get mad and yell at the dude, but that's not gonna solve anything. Maybe we just go at it back and forth in a testosterone-fueled rage for a bit in the middle of the street. That's just dumb. I think he may have learned something but who knows. In any case, always look both ways. That shit still applies even if someone has stopped for you and you think it's safe.

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