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25 Years Ago

blog life without algorithms

Weirdly, I was just thinking about this gig the other night. I looked up the ticket and it's 25 years ago on this day (of this writing). Honestly, at the time, I had no idea who Tindersticks were and I can't say I ever became a big fan after seeing them at this show. Of course, I know who they are now and I know they're revered by some peeps. I remember they were really good live. I actually saw them a second time after this show. But yeah, I've never been more than a very casual Tindersticks listener.

I went into this show cold. My buddy Kevin had a pair of tickets but his girlf didn't want to go and I ended up going with him. Kevin told me he wanted to get there early to catch the opener, Elliott Smith, who I also hadn't heard.

Smith was up there on that Fillmore stage, just him and his guitar sitting on a stool. He was so quiet and the crowd was hushed. That was my first time hearing him and it was captivating. Either/Or had just come out, I stepped over to the merch table after his set and grabbed a CD. It's still my fave Elliott album.

So anyways, 25 years ago I found out who Tindersticks and Elliott Smith were.

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