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LWA Blog — books

Spaceships Over Glasgow

blog books life without algorithms mogwai stuart braithwaite

Had some credit so I picked up Stuart Braithwaite's memoir. Looking forward to reading this, I fucking loved Mogwai way back. My first experience with them was catching the tour for Happy Music for Happy People. I didn't know who they were at the time and my roommate had an extra ticket, so I ended up tagging along. I left that room a changed person, what a mesmerizing show. Saw them multiple times after that, but I kinda fell off after The Hawk is Howling, when they started doing more soundtrack-y stuff. Which is weird because I love soundtracks and...

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Fingers Crossed

blog books life without algorithms lush miki berenyi music

I recently read Miki Berenyi's Fingers Crossed: How Music Saved Me from Success. Kinda crazy, but maybe not really, how much shit she talks about Emma Anderson. There's love and friendship there but there are also two different people with different agendas that sometimes overlapped. Makes the run they had all that much more impressive. Also, it's amazing to me how small their circles were in those days. Seems like they were always running into or hanging out with someone from another band I love from those days. She's pretty resilient for having survived that traumatic childhood (just an observation, not...

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