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LWA Origin Story

blog life without algorithms origin story

Like a lot of people, I'd been suffering from social media fatigue lately. I've been extremely online ever since I can remember. I didn't grow up with it, I'm Gen X, but I was interested when a friend told me about his college message board in the late 80s. It sounded fascinating to me and I jumped in as soon as I could. 

Last year, I was trying to unplug from some online stuff. I knew I could never fully disengage but I could definitely cut back. I've been camping a few times the past year or so and I'm always trying to spend at least an hour outdoors, just walking. For some reason, the phrase "life without algorithms" popped into my head. After considering it a bit, I decided to try and build a little something on it. Also, I totally get the irony. In any case, I know I can never fully cut the cord, that's just the world we now live in, but I try to unplug every so often (or at least take a step back). That's what Life Without Algorithms is, perhaps that appeals to whomever is reading this. Feel free to drop a line to life(dot)without(dot)algorithms(at)gmail(dot)com.

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