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The Heart of the Anchoress

bianca scout blog life without algorithms music

A week or two ago, I was scrolling through Bandcamp as I do and happened upon this description that caught my eye: 
On The Heart of the Anchoress, Bianca Scout illustrates the unsettled and slightly terrifying aspects of a life of sacrifice, using swaths of gossamer sound to paint eerie scenes that feel fantastical. Her music is haunted, made of looping, shimmering organs and whispering voices that evoke yearning and nostalgia.
Right. Up. My. Alley. And of course, I started listening. Next thing I know, it had finished and so I started it again. Very mesmerizing and kinda eerie, I've been putting it on when I'm reading before sleep. I've been mostly reading horror fiction, so it really helps set the mood. Very recommended if you're into part ambient, part found sounds. It's probably good for working, as well. Check it out here if you're interested.

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