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blog life without algorithms music REM

Happy 40th to R.E.M.'s legendary debut album, Murmur, release 40 years ago on this day, April 12th 1983. I remember reading about them and seeing this album high on Rolling Stone's College Charts. I didn't hear the music until Reckoning (their second album) came out (1984) and I saw them play So. Central Rain on Solid Gold. And I didn't start buying their records until Document came out (1987). By that time, I had five albums to catch up with and that was about when they became one of my favourite bands. I played all of those albums to death and finally got the chance to see them live when they toured for Green (1989). Murmur, though. What an album. No skips, as the kids say these days. I think Perfect Circle might be my fave song on this album, but there's no wrong answer for that question. If you have any interest at all, it's definitely worth seeking out.

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