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m b v

blog life without algorithms mbv music my bloody valentine

I read a piece today marking the tenth anniversary of My Bloody Valentine's m b v, which is the long-awaited follow-up to their legendary album, Loveless. Loveless came out in 91, so there was a good 20-something years in between the two albums. Loveless is one of my fave albums and when m b v was announced, I caught the fever and was one of those people that helped crash the website trying to order a copy. In any case, I was a bit underwhelmed when I finally got a hold of the record. I liked it but I didn't love it, more than likely due to expectations plus that mostly dormant period between the two albums. 

BUT, in reading the piece today. The author suggested breaking the album's nine tracks into thirds. The first three tracks being the past, or a continuation of Loveless. The second three tracks being the present, or what the band are now. And the third three tracks being the future, what might be coming down the line. And with that in mind, I put it on and OH MY GOD IT MAKES SO MUCH FUCKING SENSE. It's like hearing it for the first time, almost. So, happy birthday, m b v, I'm glad we finally clicked. Maybe we'll get the next album in another ten years. 

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