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blog life without algorithms music the white stripes

I remember I kept hearing about the White Stripes. I liked them but people (internet randos, really) just kept talking and talking and talking about them. And all that hype just sorta turned me off, so I resisted. Then, Elephant came out. I resisted that for a little bit as well, until a friend told me to just give it a try, saying "dude, it's THAT good." And so I listened, and she wasn't wrong. And I succumbed and I'm glad I did, because it really is THAT good. Sometimes the hype is deserved. I know it's difficult to filter through, but I try not to be such an elitist asshole these days. Anyways, happy birthday to Elephant, released 20 years ago on this day (1 April 2003). Give it a shot if you haven't heard it. 

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